March 1, 2020
Falischa Moss

Islip Town NAACP Protests at School Board Meeting

Islip Town Branch NAACP Holds Protest at the Brentwood School District  

Support the NAACP and END DISCRIMINATION NOW! on bright gold t-shirts is what you saw the moment you walked into the auditorium of the Administration building. On the evening of Thursday, February 27 the Islip Town Branch NAACP gathered at the Brentwood Union Free School District for a press conference and to protest for Documented Discrimination in Teacher and Administrator Hiring and Disparate Treatment of Employees. This protest was attended by branch members, community residents, support organizations, students and individuals who applied to the district for employment.
William K. Moss III who is the president of the Islip NAACP branch and organizer of this event who has a history advocating for the fair treatment of qualified individuals who happen to be rich in melanin seeking employment to be educators in the school district of a reported eighteen thousand registered students. Moss states unfair treatment and discrimination practices must end and the school district needs to follow the hiring policy. 

“Understanding that people who don’t deserve the job are getting the job, teaches me that this world is not fair, and even if I work hard enough I am not the right skin color and I cannot achieve. I do not believe this is right” says NAACP Youth Council President Russel Antwi. 

Tracey Edwards the Long Island Regional Director of the NAACP released a statement on behalf of the New York State NAACP in support of the local chapter. “The NAACP stands with the Islip branch in their effort to ensure that the Brentwood School District follows the law and keeps the commitment to its residents of providing an exceptional education, building character, and empowering all students to reach their full potential as life-long learners in a diverse, global society. To further this goal, the district must have a hiring and career advancement procedure that is inclusive, fair and equitable for all.
The District website states that resumes are carefully reviewed and those candidates whose qualifications are commensurate with our needs will be contacted for an interview. Our question is what are your needs? What are your hiring goals, strategy, and implementation plan to achieve those goals?” Regional Director ended her statement saying, “The NAACP state office and Long Island region will be supporting the Islip Branch as they move forward to ensure a continuing policy and procedures that assures equal opportunities for all employees or prospective employees.”

Immediately following the press conference the protesters attended the scheduled School Board Meeting addressing the school board. During the meeting the school board announced former educator and community resident, Betty Brown-Greene as a consultant for Diversity, Equity and Compliance.

We can only hope that instituting the Diversity, Equity and Compliance position will create a position of power to eliminate discrimination and harassment, by promoting ethical decisions on all levels, and ensuring compliance with applicable NYS Department of Education regulations and guidelines.

The district currently has over 15 positions listed with a downloadable application and instructions to: submit application, a job specific cover letter and resume to: Human Resources Department. How many qualified Melanin Applicants actually get a call for an interview?

We reached out to Brentwood Union Free School District, no response. 
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